
High Technology in plastic engineering


Focused on technical parts being part of complex systems for domestic applications. Mainly for products in direct contact with water that must have special characteristics and follow strict regulations. Experience from other sectors are used transversely to use learnings to support new developments.

Always able to support our customers to improve their products implementing last technological evolution.

High precision, repeatability, automation and 0 defective ppm. &nbspOur industrial project is based on the specialised plastic pieces designed for security or important basic parts for our customer’s products. High-precision production procedures, constant repeatability and a high level of automation allow us to face the increasing demands of the industry in terms of quality, cost, security, durability and reliability. We constantly strive to find new areas of application for thermoplastic materials, always meeting the technical requirements and quality demands of each client and market



Adapter cap

Adapter cap

Application: Water pump

Shower components

Shower components

Application: Shower tap

Tap cartridge parts

Tap cartridge parts

Application: Tap Cartridge

Water mixer

Water mixer

Application: Shower tap

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